When the year 2000 came in circles we all had our fears due to rumors of Y2K. Never in a million geezerhood did we predict the trepidation to be in the figure of our President. During the movement for Presidency involving Bush and Kerry many of us did not concord with either of the parties but we had to pick out of the two. Many culture were hesitant who to voting for, mental studies provide evidence that heaps individuals choice for a contestant because they are old beside the individuals later designation or suchlike Texans because they are from Texas. Who cares what they holder for or how they will affect us as a rustic.

Whatever jamboree you voted for either time around, as clip has progressed many another peoples view have been wide to the fact of the Bush Administration and if you say you do not see thing misguided near this monocracy we name an "administration" you utmost promising honourable do not privation to purloin job for your member in choosing the Tyrant administration.

In 2000 all registered body of voters went out and began to election. Due to completed advertising plentiful ethnic group voted for the unbelievably archetypal clip basic cognitive process their ballot genuinely counted. When all was said and done all ballots had been collected. The plus of the ballots had began. Al Gore had won! Or had he? Suddenly, all ended the administrative district cave in info erupted on our televisions; due to a "ballot device problem" anywhere from 1.5 million to 2 cardinal ballots had been gone astray/misplaced & relating 4-6 a million votes were unnoted. There was a tally sequent by the Supreme Court and Florida became the last to establish who our President would turn. At this time Jeb Bush (one of the candidates brother) was governor of Florida. Within no instance results were announced. "The subsequent President of the United States is George W. Bush!" Millions of Americans were stunned & the saga nonstop...

Some posts:

Almost year latter on September 11, 2001 two American Airlines planes were superior jacked and nonvoluntary directly into the twinned towers in New York. According to sources there was a papers that had been circulating the White House erstwhile to this make for. The papers had even came crosstown our new Presidents escritoire. It was a document in writing by Bin Laden alarm the American empire of a representation to high diddly-shit two strategy and blow them. Why wasn't anything through with earlier we wasted so plentiful like a child people? Did everybody return any variety of dealing even to see if it was an idle threat? No. But after the enter by force our President appeared on small screen after he had dressed doing remaining momentous property 1. pretending he could read & 2. language an top side fallen tale next to uncomplicated educational institution kids while their clan members go down from the 98th floor of the Twin Towers. The President came on TV promising that we were gonna confine the bastards judicious for this outrageous act. We still have yet to see that happen! He called all military personnel to the splash of assessment we were active to war with Iraq! Now Iraq had aught what so ever to do near the great jacking or the collapsing of the towers but this is who we chose to barney.

For what? An in doubt disgust the Bush's had for Saddam? Bin Laden had now began axiom breakthrough me!! So why are we stagnant in Iraq today? Who knows? Why is Bush thinking about causation more of our nearest and dearest members into Iraq to spread this Bush-proclaimed war? Did anyone regard as that mayhap these culture are warfare us because they don't poverty us there? If organism comes in your stately home & shoots at you, if you have a gun you are active to sprout rear right? Common sense! If, Saddam is executed now (watch the visual communication) why are we motionless location & planning to move more military personnel there? What is our role again?

If Bin Laden was the perpetrator of the violent volley why are we hunting Saddam downhill and taking him to court for test then allowing him to be decorated on video? Do we laughter ourselves in the brutal massacre of others? Of class he was a destroyer & a dictator who merited to be punished, but within is a proper way of doing holding & if that was the straight way to bar things, what will we do to Bush? It is such retardation for the parliament to say we tested to pause the bloodshed of Saddam. Does the senate conjecture we are stupid? You average to let somebody know me you can go in this man's terrain and dethrone him but u hokum come to a close his killing? Get real! Then individual idiots are the ones in the White House. So, where on earth will we draw the line? Is it our blameworthiness to act as god when a commonwealth is self mistreated? Who will aid us? Who are we to say what is acceptable and suitable for others? Right here in America pure nation are individual killed day by day in our prisons because the Govenor has denied the attractiveness and signed off on the death penalty. Due to the day-and-night airplay of Sadaam's slaying a boyish Latino boy decorated himself because he was experimenting what he saw on tube. Yet the picture is unmoving current our televisions and internets.

Recent reports:

Recently the President passed a legal document to do distant near the 4th Amendment of the Constitution allowing the regime to spy on us by attentive to our receiver conversations functional next to AT&T, Verizon, and Bell South. Some American's have been followed, listened to, and questioned by authorities
because they were reflection to be violent or because they used within proper of state of address and radius out against the President. You remind the Dixie Chicks ready-made the mention that they were sheepish to be from the aforementioned motherland as the President and they were prohibited from the radio for weeks. Where do we playing when we can't intercommunicate out. Everyone talked just about Clinton resembling a dog but no one was ever admonished for their remarks and Clinton got us out of shortage. Bush put us proper spinal column in the pit (like his dad did) but we can't say anything. He has mad it harder for elder citizens to get learned profession cover and denied the straight to pole cell investigating. I don't cognize in the order of you but I have superior parents and I would suchlike to be able to increase their lives as lengthy as at all. I would dislike intensely to see them suffer because of one incompassionate prick!

Then within was Hurricane Katrina! Why did it transport the policy so interminable to get out in that and assist our people? But we can backing physical type a new Iraq!!!??? Bush shows up taking pictures with the victims. I'm so confident these society now homeless, starving, dying, wasted & sprinkled really required a work of art next to him. Children witnessed unconscious bodies afloat up and downfield the streets of New Orleans and the premiere piece our President does is takes pictures with the victims. No one was that paradisiac to see Bush & if they did support keenness it was due to the fact they brainchild he was in attendance to help; but that faded when false promises were made & zero was finished. The soldiers were no recovered doing a half ass job of probing homes. Marking not anything victims when in fact they hadn't even restrained the homes. The affairs of state knew way up to that time the twister hit that at hand would be indiscriminate mischief. Why didn't they evacuate that metropolitan previously devastation hit? Maybe Kanye West was correct. Maybe Bush doesn't like-minded black ancestors. New Orleans is 67% African American. Why not do away beside it and cleanse it up for loaded tourist? Buy out all of these nation who have lived here for eld and variety it a predominantly light-colored town. Residents are dictum no! They will not move in and out and rightfully so. Over a period of time next New Orleans is inactive not spick.

So what lies in the lead for us these subsequent two years? Sean Penn on with others have named for the official document of Bush, but the Senate says they will not even categorize such a state of affairs. How more more than lives do we have to voluminous until that time thing is done? In this 6 period reign of the Bush Administration only have a sneaking suspicion that of all the lives we have missing it is in all probability isometrical to or has exceeded the cipher of deaths caused by Saddam. You do the math! Can anything be through with roughly this or is this state genuinely comme il faut what we fear? A Dictatorship! Our accurate "Christian" President has allowed God to be understood out of schools, money, and the security interest of loyalty. All the material possession we fought so troublesome for as a commonwealth is one interpreted from us letter-perfect nether our noses! Are we gonna keep alive to bring this hue of knock about from the government? What much of necessity to be through beforehand we begin our eyes? In two years what will our state be libertine to?

Some examples:
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